Friday, March 6, 2009

Congressman Offers Preemptive Apology For Extramarital Affair

Jack McCloy and Brian McGuinness, two guys from Long Island, came up with a scathingly brilliant idea when they designed and developed a web site called ChuckleDumper -

ChuckleDumper is a dynamically updated humor website and a place for humorists, comics, and fans to socialize. You will thoroughly enjoy the daily updates, videos, stand-up comedy, and sketches.

This video has taken the Internet by storm; it stars a Pseudo Representative Gregory White apologizing to family, friends, and voters for taking up with two teenage runaways in a Washington, DC hotel. He painfully elaborates on his fetishes and weaknesses, as he also apologizes to the makers of a biscuit product that he has abused while performing his unforgivable acts.

Congressman Offers Preemptive Apology For Extramarital Affair

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