Saturday, July 18, 2009

Wieners Declare Mutiny

Its barbecue season and hundreds of wieners declared mutiny on an Oscar Mayer truck headed for a wienie roast in Mount Pleasant, Wisconsin. As a result, the truck crashed into the deck and garage of a home, freeing over 1,000 hostages.

After 6 boxes of frozen buttondogs iced the driver, 250 wieners wearing t-shirts hit the streets of Wisconsin with picket signs encouraging people to eat bologna. None of them were arrested for indecent exposure.

“Ban The Foot-Long,” one t-shirt read.

“If you are really in love with us, you’d eat bologna.”

“Grills and Hot Mustard Burn.”

“Oscar Mayer Has a Way With B-O-L-O-G-N-A."

“Hot Dogs Suck.”

“Clog Your Arteries, only $3.00.”

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