A new way to describe Murphy's Law, political scandals, our screwed up economy, and life in general - Sitting on Cold Porcelain.
Read my recent interview with humorist Wanda Argersinger at Associated Content.

To quote Erma Bombeck “If you can't make it better, you can laugh at it.”
Political unrest… government scandal… corruption... extortion! What do all these things have in common? They are perfect fodder for satire! In Sitting on Cold Porcelain, you will find an amusing, perceptive, and laugh-out-loud take on the state of our country and our world, on celebrities and politicians, and all the events that make us all roll our eyes and groan.
Some of the satirical essays within the pages of Sitting on Cold Porcelain include "Giuliani's Gaffe Could Qualify for Political Darwin Award," "Rush Limbaugh: The Don Rickles of Radio," "State of The Union 2010: Bitch-Slapping Congress," “Islamic Cleric Declares Jihad on Mickey Mouse,” “Little Egypt to Run Against Sarah Palin,” and ”Who Moved My Mascarpone?”
I included a few family-oriented holiday fiascos as well. They are always fun and dysfunctional, right?
You will also find my hysterical consultations with Annette Giordano, a South Philadelphia Malocchio (evil eye) doctor. Annette hates one-way communication, she likes to interact. She often bloviates in Italian and is the Italian equivalent to the ‘Numa Numa Guy’ in front of the TV when she watches The O’Reilly Factor.
I’m currently putting her on to Twitter, so she can send her pithy Italian comments to the media and the White House whenever she pleases, its less frustrating.
You can read an excerpt here: Take a peek
Click here to access my Author Page, and here to Order the Book.
You can order the book from Xlibris.com, and at Amazon.com, Barnes and Noble online, and the Amazon Kindle Store.
I know you will enjoy reading the book and I am gathering more laughs for another.
Thank you for reading Rosie’s Renegade Humor Blog. Thanks to you, we are in the No. 2 spot in the “Top 50 Networked Blogs” in Philadelphia on Facebook.
You people rock!
Loved this! I am at the Erma conference, and perhaps we'll meet! I am an Erma winner this year.
Rose, I heard about you when at EBWW. Had to buy the book! LOOOOVE it. You are hilarious and a gifted writer. Thanks for the laughs.
Beth Engelman from mommyonashoestring.com
Thanks, Bethe!
Oh, how awesome is this?! We met briefly at EBWW. I will be checking out your book!
Thanks, Pearl! I hope you laugh out loud :)
Ah oh, you've got spam! (The comment right above me)
I added Wanda's interview to the Squidoo page just now. I was scrolling down all of your posts and saw this one. I realized I hadn't put in an area for Interviews, so I added that and linked to hers at AC. Put links on Facebook and Twitter.
Will add the new book trailer as soon as you give final approval.
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