Tuesday, December 11, 2012


by Ed Tasca

None wiser than Socrates. The Oracle said so. He’s in danger. I need your help.

I’m heading to my mother’s for lunch.

Our great teacher could be facing a death sentence. For accusations of impiety.

Tell him to shave his beard and dress conservatively.

True wisdom belongs to the gods, he says. Human wisdom has little value. This is an attempt to show humility and virtue. Is that impiety?

I might come if I catch up on my txting.

I’m at the agora. I’m stuck behind another Dionysian parade.

U go to Glucosamine’s party last nite?

Meletus, you were the one who brought the charges against our great teacher. And all you care about is Glucosamine’s party?

Plato, my inbox is on overload! Give it a rest!

Meletus, Glucosamine had a zoo there. I don’t mean his theatre friends. He had a real zoo. Snakes, wild boar, monkeys. The bomb!

Meletus, please reconsider your “corruption of youth” charge. You asked Socrates if there was a Zeus.

He said there’s no scientific evidence there’s a Zeus. I said then who crtd the universe? As usual, he answered with a ?: Who the hell knows?

That’s not corruption of youth! And he didn’t say, “Who the hell knows?”

Maybe I was just pissed at him answering questions with another gd question!!!

Where’s Chaerephon on this?

His server’s out.

Socrates is an atheist. I testified as much. Did my duty 4 the good of the state.

Meletus, you admitted Socrates taught you to believe in spiritual guidance. How could he be an atheist?

We worshipped Dionysus together!! Got totally pissed. That was my spiritual guidance!

Your accusations about Socrates are contradictory.

It’s not a contradiction. An atheist can still mouth things spiritual. Look at every politician!

Socrates is not afraid of death. He will die to make his point to the court.

What’s wrong with just an “objection?” *s*

Who saw Phidias’s new nude? Hot! He says it’s Aphrodite. Come on, it’s the spittin’ image of Analgesia, the waitress at Sons of Helen bistro.

Meletus, we’re talking about a man’s life here. A life devoted to searching for the truth.

That hairy old bastard.

Prostatitis, have a little respect. The man’s in the throes of despair.

I was talking about Phidias.

Tell him plea bargain. So he goes to Sicily. Yeah, there’s Etna and racketeering. But it’s better than the alternative.#sicilycenteroftheworld

Twalking: Dionysian parade getng bigger, crazier. I’m stopng 4 eggs. Scrambled with chopped olives! I love it. Meet me. Whoever.

Socrates has said we who fear death show our ignorance. Death may be a great blessing. It’s time to demonstrate that personal courage isn’t fu

What’s “fu?” What the hll r u talkng about?

You know what? Personal courage is a humongous f.u. when you wind up with a hemlock cocktail.

Futile. Futile! I was saying Futile in the face of sophism.

If death’s so great, y does everybody pay any quack any amount of $ to cure them of every phlegm and heartburn?

@olympusrules_Meletus, you’re the impious one, you and Aristophanes. You’re the ones corrupting Athenian youth with your slander and your sarc

Sarc? For Olympus’s sake, Plato, learn how to tweet. All ur tweets are 2 long and don’t make sense.

I’m sorry for my intrusive literacy. But a stark 142 character communiqué is a fey child’s game, inadequate to persuade foolish youths to do

To do what??

I made it to the Sons of Helen bistro. Analgesia, that waitress, isn’t here. Phidias must’ve paid her big time. I want to be a sculptor.

I’m back.

Chaerephon, Will you join me in defense of Socrates?

U still at it? This disrespecting the Gods thing-don’t want 2 b involved. Who they gonna charge next? I like all the gods, goddesses, demigods

Who’s ur favorite?

I’m not done. I like the Fates, the Muses, the Graces, those centaur things, all the nymphs: the Dryades, the Nereides, the Oreiades, who else

Cherrie, calm down!

The Maliades, the Alseides, the Lampades. I’m not corrupted!!! I want that on record. Who’d I leave out?

The Meliai, nymphs of the ash trees.

We have nymphs in our ash trees?

We have nymphs everywhere! Except in my bedroom!

For me it’s btwn Artemis when she’s not PO’d, and Zeus, especially when he morphs into animals and screws babes all over the archipelago.

Socrates has no favorites. He says we learn moral goodness and truth from ALL the immortals.

I’m signing off. I’m getting lunch. And then I have to walk my dog. Tip: follow Glucosamine #FF. He’s funny and he knows when to twitter off

Epicurus Don’t sign off. Tell Glucosamine I want an invite 2 next bash. TMB

Lysistrata Dress Rehearsal. Comp tickets 4 2N!

Fab! I’m going!

Aristophanes, join me at the courthouse, please. Many follow you.

I’m at the theatre. Lysistrata looks like a hit.

Let me tell you what Socrates is saying about acquiring virtue.

Screw Socrates. Who gives a s__t what he’s saying about acquiring virtue. My inbox is on overload with this Socrates crap!!!!

That’s how MY server went down!

Aristophanes, come to the court before the show. They will come if you do.

I have to do a costume change. Lysistrata is wearing something that looks like it was torn off a Roman whore.

OMG! I just found a great place selling figs. 2 drachmae and u fill a basket. Agora_n.w.corner.com

I’ve arrived at the court. Socrates says he’s a misunderstood benefactor to Athens, not an enemy! As such he should be given free meals, if we

If we what???

My server went out again. What’s going on? I’m at my mother’s. She made my fav, Spanakopita. YUM! Recipe@Cherrieblog.com

I’m back! Is Plato done? I’m not following him anymore. Glucosamine’s, next full moon.

STOP. Socrates has an idea. He suggests he just pay a fine of 100 drachmae. As he has little funds of his own, I say we all chip in, let’s say


This week’s guest columnist, Ed Tasca, Lives in Ajijic, Mexico. He is originally from Philadelphia, PA, and has authored six works of fiction. Ed writes a humor column for Ojo del Lago, Mexico’s largest English language magazine.

Ed is the grand prize winner in the 2011 Screenplay Search Competition. Winner of the prestigious Robert Benchley Society Humor Award for 2009. Also winner of humorpress.com awards, M. Culbertson’s Life and Humor Award, Ojo del Lago Award for Humor. Humor essays have appeared in publications in the U.S., Canada, England, Italy and Mexico. Anthologized in: American’s Funniest Humor, 2006, Laugh Your Shorts Off, 2009. Provides an explanation of the vast influence of Robert Benchley in a new edition of Robert Benchley’s humor essays.